
Showing posts from April, 2019

Warehouse Automation Robots Are Now Playing The Role Of Game Changer

The automation is taking over the industries and transforming it in different ways. The warehouse  automation robots along with the automated warehouse mobile robots are also playing a major role in  bringing efficiency in the warehouses, fulfillment and distribution centers.  Ever since the automation has come to existence, the specialists in the logistics and supply chain  management are increasingly stepping ahead towards adopting automated solutions. This competitive  age has brought multiple sets of contradictory requirements in front of the industry experts including  reduction of the space they use but enhance the volume of the goods they sell or distribute. Along with  this, the requirement for reducing the latency while lowering the transport along with the handling costs (especially cutting down the labor cost) but maintaining or enhancing the service levels are also being  considered as the challenges.  The Role of Automated Warehouse Mobile Robots: